In today’s digital age, the integration of AI tools in education has become increasingly vital. Teachers can utilize AI tools to enhance the learning experience, engage students in innovative ways, and provide personalized support. 

ChatGPT is the leading AI chatbot tool for education, but it doesn’t have to be the only tool in your classroom. There are many ChatGPT alternatives that can be used to enhance your instructional practices and engage students effectively. By embracing these alternatives, you can unlock a world of possibilities and take your teaching to new heights. 

In this blog post, we will explore 46 of the top ChatGPT alternatives for educators, helping you to find the best AI tools to use in the classroom. From personalized student feedback to virtual tutoring, these ChatGPT alternatives can take your teaching journey (& your students’ learning journeys!) to the next level.

Why Explore ChatGPT Alternatives?

There are hundreds of ways that ChatGPT can be used in the classroom. But while it has undoubtedly revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and language processing, it does come with some limitations when used in an educational setting. 

Exploring ChatGPT alternatives can provide educators with a diverse range of AI tools for the classroom, catering to different needs, preferences, and learning styles. Learn more about ChatGPT, or start by taking a look at the other tools you can incorporate below.

46 Best ChatGPT Alternatives (Save Them Now!)

AI Tool CategoryChatGPT Alternatives
Lesson Plan GeneratorsEducation Copilot, Nolej, LessonPlans.aI
AI Presentation MakersPresentations.AI, Decktopus AI, Slidesgo
AI Image GeneratorsBing Image Creator, Canva Magic Design, Runway
AI Video CreatorsPictory, Descript, Speechify
AI Quiz GeneratorsClassPoint AI, ExamSoft, QuizGecko
AI-Powered Tools Across the CurriculumKnewton, WordTune, Wolfram Alpha, Hello History, Parlay Genie
AI Assessment HelpersFormative AI, Exact Path
AI Grading ToolsGradscope, TurnItIn AI, SmartGrade
AI TutorsKhanmigo, Synthesis
AI Coaching ToolsEdthena, Rocky.AI, PowerPoint Speaker Coach
AI WritersJasper,, Anyword
AI Language Learning & TranslatorsDuolingo Max, ELSA Speak, Replika
AI ResearchersGenei, Consensus
AI Note-Taking, Mem, Airgram
AI Productivity HacksReclaim AI, SaneBox, Zapier,, Khanmigo
ChatGPT Alternatives

Lesson Plan Generators

  1. Plan more creative lessons: Education Copilot
Education Copilot

2. Create Course Material, videos, and interactive questions: Nolej


3. For well-thought lesson outlines: LessonPlans.aI

AI Presentation Makers

4. Generate lesson presentations in seconds: Presentations.AI


5. Create presentations with AI content and designs: Decktopus AI

Decktopus AI

6. AI-generated slide designs: Slidesgo

Not finding what you are looking for? Check out these 9 other free AI PowerPoint generators!

AI Image Generators

7. Generate interesting images for your lessons: Bing Image Creator

Bing Image Creator

8. Photoshop for Everyone: Canva Magic Design

Canva Magic Design

9. Generate Images and Videos: Runway


AI Video Creators

10. Turn Lessons into Video: Pictory AI

Picture AI

11. Edit video lessons: Descript

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12. AI-dubbing: Speechify


AI Quiz Generators

13. Generate instant quiz questions based on PowerPoint slides: ClassPoint AI

ClassPoint AI

14. Quiz taking and tracking platform: ExmSoft


15. Create quiz questions based on a text: QuizGecko

Quiz Gecko

AI-Powered Tools Across the Curriculum

16. Customised learning for STEM subjects: Knewton


17. Elevate and rephrase your writing: Wordtune


18. New ways to think about Math: Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha

19. Chat with historical figures: Hello History

Hello History

20. Have deeper discussions in class: Parlay Genie

Parlay Genie

AI Assessment Helpers

21. Assess students with quiz questions and hints: Formative AI

Formative 1

22. Personalized assessment: ExactPath

AI Grading Tools

23. Streamline your grading process: Gradescope


24. Plagiarism Detection: Turnitin AI

Turnitin AI

25. Scannable Multiple Choice Grader: SmartGrade


AI Tutors

26. Learning tutor and teaching assistant: Khanmigo


27. Math tutor: Synthesis


AI Coaching Tools

28. Professional Development Coach: Edthena


29. Build a Growth Mindset: Rocky.AI

Rocky AI

30. Practice your Lessons: PowerPoint Speaker Coach

PowerPoint Speaker Coach

AI Writing Tools

31. All-Encompassing Content Creation: Jasper AI

32. For webinar and training content:

33. Rewrite Sentences and Paraphrase: Anyword

Having trouble with students using AI to write their assignments? Here are some tips on how to manage AI use in the classroom, how to teach students to use AI appropriately, and to avoid misinformation. 

AI Language Learning & Translators

34. Role-play real-life scenarios: Duolingo Max

35. Practice Pronunciation and Speaking: Elsa Speak

Elsa Speak

36. 24/7 Translator Companion: Replika


AI Researching Tools

37. Automatically summarize documents: Genei


38. Research papers AI-powered search engine: Consensus


AI Note-Taking Aids

39. Transcribe Audio Recordings:

40. Find information lost in your notes: Mem


41. Share insights and class notes: Airgram


AI Productivity Hacks

42. Spend less time scheduling: Reclaim AI

Reclaim AI

43. Email management assistant: SaneBox

44. Automate admin tasks: Zapier

45. All-Encompassing AI Teaching Assistant: MagicSchool.aI

46. BONUS: Learning Assistant: Khanmigo


Final Thoughts

These ChatGPT alternatives offer a range of functionalities to support various aspects of teaching and learning. Never used to replace your face-to-face instruction with students, these tools can help you save time in tedious tasks, increase your creativity, and help you become a better teacher.

By exploring these ChatGPT alternatives, you can expand your AI toolkits and leverage the tools to engage your students, enhance both yours and their subject understanding, foster critical thinking skills, and create an immersive learning experience. 

For the latest tips, trends and tools about AI in education, read our A-Z guide to AI in education!